Page 63 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 63
The Intricacies of the Evil's Alliance
will set you onto them. Then they can only be your
neighbours there a very short time. (Surat al-Ahzab: 60)
Another method the evil have employed for thousands of
years to such an end has been to coax the good into a conflict
against their brothers and friends. All civil wars, conflicts
and senseless enmities that have come about in history,
originated from the all-out efforts of the evil. As a result of
the enmity stirred up by the provocation of the evil, fellow
citizens, even close friends and brothers, struggled against
each other, and tortured and killed one another.
Also, in our day, through publications, speeches,
lobbying and diplomacy, such people stealthily manage to
bring two countries into a war, or stir up enmity among a
people by dividing a nation into factions. This is an evil
scheme that turns brother against brother. The purpose is to
weaken these countries by civil wars and internal conflict so
as to reconcile the structure of the target countries to their
own goals and ideologies.
Another method employed by the evil alliance against the
good is, as mentioned in previous sections, to portray some
of the good as wicked in the eyes of other good people. To
this end, they initiate underhanded strategies, ranging from
spreading unfounded accusations to outright insults, so as to
make the disparaging message "Look! We have unmasked
the good; as you see, they are not on the right way." The
intention in this case is to prevent the good to come together,
and to support and protect the oppressed.
However, people of conscience who are able to analyse
these tactics, so as to recognise and avert the secret plans of
the evil, thanks to their conscience and sound mind, will