Page 64 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 64
never be deceived by such tricks. God warns believers
against the traits of the evil in many of His verses, for
You who believe! If a deviator brings you a report,
scrutinize it carefully in case you attack people in
ignorance and so come to greatly regret what you have
done. (Surat al-Hujurat: 6)
God's Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also
said that "To harbour good thoughts (about a brother) is a part of
well-conducted worship." reminding Muslims to be on guard
against the whisperings of Satan which tries to make
mischief among the believers.
Consequently, you should keep in mind that, even if the
alliance of the evil has provoked a whole city, or even the
whole world against the good, God protects and guards the
good. No plot of the evil can hurt the good, scare or worry
them, unless by the Will of God.
Alliance of the Evil is Based on Interests
The leaders of the evil make promises to people and offer
them certain privileges in order to attract them to their side.
In the Qur'an, a promise given by Pharaoh to the magicians
is related as follows:
When the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh, 'Will
we be rewarded if we are the winners?' He said, 'Yes,
and in that case you will be among those brought near.'
(Surat ash-Shu'ara': 41-42)
However we should also mention that the evil alliance is
in reality based on a rather feeble foundation. Every member