Page 117 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 117


              4. Chloroplasts are vitally important  Prokaryotic endocytosis [the taking in of
           generators of energy for the plant cell. If  matter by a living cell] is the cellular
           these organelles are unable to do so,  mechanism on which the whole of S.E.T.
           many of the cell’s functions cannot take  (Serial Endosymbiotic Theory) presu-
           place, and the organism will be unable to  mably rests. If one prokaryote could not
                                                 engulf another, it is difficult to imagine
           survive. These vitally important functi-
                                                 how endosymbiosis could be set up. Un-
           ons take place with proteins synthesized
                                                 fortunately for Margulis and S.E.T., no
           in the chloroplasts. However, the chlo-
                                                 modern examples of prokaryotic endocy-
           roplasts’ own DNA is not sufficient for
                                                 tosis or endosymbiosis exist . . .  145
           them to synthesize these proteins. The
           great majority of proteins are synthesi-  There is no example of a bacteria
           zed using the cell’s main DNA. 143  that is left intact, without being digested,
              It is absolutely impossible for such  after being engulfed by another and
           harmony to have developed through trial  which ‘contributes’ to the initiation of an
           and error. Any change in a DNA molecu-  even more complex cell in nature. Such
           le will not gain the organism any new  a relationship between two bacteria is
           characteristic, but will definitely harm it.   not definitely demonstrated in any labo-
              Mahlon B. Hoagland describes the  ratory experiments. That means such or-
           position in his book The Roots of Life:   ganisms are not alive in nature or in test
                                               tubes, but only in the minds of evolutio-
              You’ll recall we learned that almost al-
                                               nists. In reality, genes of eukaryotic cells
              ways a change in an organism’s DNA is
              detrimental to it; that is, it leads to a re-  are much different than the ones in pro-
              duced capacity to survive. By way of  karyotic ones and no evolutionary relati-
              analogy, random additions of sentences  onship exists in between them. D.F.
              to the plays of Shakespeare are not likely  Doolittle has a confession in an article in
              to improve them! . . . The principle that
                                               the Scientific American magazine:
              DNA changes are harmful by virtue of re-
                                                 ... many eukaryote genes are totally unli-
              ducing survival chances applies whether
                                                 ke those seen in the prokaryotes and arc-
              a change in DNA is caused by a mutation
                                                 haea. They seem to come from no-whe-
              or by some foreign genes we deliberately
              add to it. 144                     re. 146
              Evolutionists did not produce their
           claims on the basis of any scientific ex-
                                               Law of Entropy, the
           periments. No such phenomenon as one
           bacterium swallowing another has ever  —See, Second law of Thermodyna-
           been observed. The molecular biologist  mics, the.
           Whitfield describes the situation:

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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