Page 115 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 115


          followers described as the tail is actually  phylogeny” theory, the.
          the backbone, which resembles a tail
          only because it develops before the legs.
            These facts are known to everyone in  This is one of the fossils that demo-
          the world of science. Evolutionists also  lishes evolutionist claims regarding Arc-
          accept them. As George Gaylord Simp-  haeopteryx, showing that no evolutio-
          son, one of the founders of neo-Darwi-  nary link can be established between
          nism, writes, “Haeckel misstated the  birds and dinosaurs. The wing structure
          evolutionary principle involved. It is  in Eoalulavis, approximately 30 million
          now firmly established that ontogeny do-  years older than Archaeopteryx, is exact-
          es not repeat phylogeny.”  138
                                             ly the same as that in slow-flying birds
            That Haeckel’s theory is mere forgery
                                             alive today. This feature considerably in-
          is also accepted by the leading authorities
                                             creases the bird’s maneuvering ability
          of evolution. The world famous Science
                                             and provides extra control during lan-
          magazine announces this fact in its Sep-
                                             ding and take-off.
          tember 1997 issue under the title, “Haec-
                                                The point is that a bird 30 million ye-
          kel's Embryos: Fraud Rediscovered.”
                                             ars older than Archaeopteryx was able to
            Not only did Haeckel add or omit featu-  fly in a very effective manner. 140
            res, Richardson and his colleagues re-  This proves that neither Archaeop-
            port, but he also fudged the scale to  teryx nor any other birds like it were
            exaggerate similarities among species,
                                             transitional forms.
            even when there were 10-fold differences
            in size. Haeckel further blurred differen-
            ces by neglecting to name the species in  Endosymbiosis Theory,
            most cases, as if one representative was
            accurate for an entire group of animals.
            In reality, Richardson and his colleagues  This thesis was put forward in 1970
            note, even closely related embryos such  by Lynn Margulis, who claimed that
            as those of fish vary quite a bit in their  bacterial cells turned into plant and ani-
            appearance and developmental pathway.  mal cells as the result of symbiotic and
            "It looks like it's turning out to be one of
                                             parasitical activity. According to this
            the most famous fakes in biology," Ric-  thesis, plant cells emerged after a bacte-
            hardson concludes. 139
                                             rium swallowed another photosynthetic
                                             bacterium cell. The photosynthetic bac-
                                             terium supposedly evolved inside the de-
          Embryological recapitu-            vouring cell and turned into a chlorop-
                                             last. Finally, organelles with very comp-
            — See “Ontology recapitulates    lex structures—such as the Golgi appa-

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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