Page 116 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 116


               ratus, endoplasmic reticulum and riboso-  2. Again, assume that all these im-
               me—somehow evolved inside the main  possible events actually took place and
               cell. And thus plant cells came into be-  that the cells claimed to be the forerun-
               ing.                                ners of chloroplasts were swallowed by
                  This thesis is nothing more than a  the main cell. We now face another
               figment of the imagination. Indeed, it  problem: the blueprint for all the orga-
               has been criticized in many respects by  nelles in the cell is encoded in DNA. If
               many scientists regarded as authorities  the main cell is to use as organelles other
               on the subject—D. Lloyd 141  , Gray and  cells it has engulfed, then it needs to ha-
               Doolittle 142  and Raff and Mahler, for  ve the information concerning them co-
               example.                            ded in its DNA beforehand. Indeed, the
                  The fact on which the endosymbiosis  DNA of the swallowed cells would have
               thesis is based is that the chloroplasts in-  to possess information regarding the ma-
               side the cell have their own DNA separa-  in cell. Such a thing is of course impos-
               te from that of the main cell. Based on  sible. No living thing carries genetic in-
               that distinction, it is claimed that mitoc-  formation for an organ it does not pos-
               hondria and chloroplasts were once in-  sess. It is impossible for the DNA of the
               dependent cells. Yet when chloroplasts  main cell and that of the engulfed cells
               are examined in detail, the invalidity of  to have later adapted to one another.
               this claim becomes apparent.          3. Within the cell, there is enormous
                  The points that invalidate the en-  harmony. Chloroplasts do not act inde-
               dosymbiosis thesis are as follows:  pendently of the cell to which they be-
                  1. If chloroplasts had really once be-  long. In addition to being dependent on
               en swallowed by a larger cell when they  the main DNA in protein synthesis, the
               were living independently, as is claimed,  chloroplasts do not make the decision to
               then the only one result would have been  multiply themselves. In any one cell,
               their digestion and use as food by the  there are more than one chloroplast and
               main cell. Even if we assume that the  mitochondrion. Just as with other orga-
               main cell did mistakenly absorb these  nelles, their numbers rise or fall in line
               cells instead of food, its enzymes would  with cell activity.
               have digested them. Naturally, evolutio-  The fact that these organelles contain
               nists may try to gloss over this point by  their own separate DNA is of particular
               claiming that the digestive enzymes had  benefit when it comes to replication. As
               disappeared. But this is a manifest con-  the cell divides, the chloroplasts also se-
               tradiction. If the digestive enzymes had  parate in two, thus doubling their num-
               vanished, then the main cell would have  bers, so that cell division takes place
               died for lack of nourishment.       more quickly and orderly.

                                                      THE EVOLUTION IMPASSE I
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