Page 119 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 119
Eohippus sequences of organisms demonstrating
major evolutionary change. . . The horse
Evolutionists have set out horse fos- is often cited as the only fully worked-out
sils out in a series, from small to larger. example. But the fact is that the line from
Yet evolutionists do not agree on regar- Eohippus to Equus is very erratic. It is
ding these family trees concerning the alleged to show a continual increase in
horse’s supposed evolution. The only size, but the truth is that some variants
were smaller than Eohippus [the first in
point they agree upon is their belief that
the sequence], not larger. Specimens
a dog-like mammal known as Eohippus
from different sources can be brought to-
(Hyracotherium) that lived in the Eoce-
gether in a convincing-looking sequence,
ne period 55 million years ago is the first
but there is no evidence that they were
forerunner of the horse. Yet Eohippus, 149
actually ranged in this order in time.
portrayed as an equine ancestor that be-
All these facts reveal that the horse
came extinct millions of years ago, is al-
evolution-trees, portrayed as one of the
most identical to the mammal known as
strongest pieces of evidences for evoluti-
Hyrax that still lives in Africa, but has
on, are imaginary and worthless. Like
not the slightest connection with hor-
ses. 147 other species, horses were brought into
being with no evolutionary forebears.
The invalidity of the claim regarding
(See Origin of the Horse, the.)
the evolution of the horse is becoming
clearer every day with the discovery of
new fossils. Eohippus has been identifi-
ed in strata containing some fossilized
breeds of horse—Equus nevadensis and — See Root of Plant Cell, the.
E. occidentalis—that are still alive to-
day—Equus nevadensis. 148 This
Eugenic slaughter
shows that the modern horse lived at the
same time as its supposed forebear, pro- The theory of eugenics, which attrac-
ving that the horse never underwent the ted many adherents in the first half of the
process known as evolution. 20 th century, called for the eradication
In his book The Great Evolution of deformed and sick people and the im-
Mystery, the evolutionist writer Gordon provement of a human race by means of
Rattray Taylor describes the horse series the multiplication of healthy individuals.
myth: According to the theory of eugenics, hu-
But perhaps the most serious weakness of manity can be improved in the same way
Darwinism is the failure of paleontolo- that breeds of animals can—by mating
gists to find convincing phylogenies or strong, healthy animals together.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)