Page 104 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 104
the spouses the believers will have there. A great deal of information
concerning the Garden is contained in the Qur'an for us to re f l e c t
upon. In order to understand better life in Paradise and the limitless
happiness which is promised there, let us briefly examine its won-
ders in the light of the verses of the Qur'an.
If we consider first the natural beauties of the Garden, we can
say that Allah describes it as "neither burning sun nor bitter cold"
(Surat al-Insan: 13), telling us that it has a climate so beautiful as to
cause no discomfort at all to anybody. The heat which makes people
sweat and stupefies them, and the freezing cold in this world do not
exist there. This points to the perfection of the climate in Paradise.
Amongst other natural beauties referred to in the Qur'an by Allah in
connection with Paradise are "outpouring water." (Surat al- Waqi'a:
31) Water which flows unceasingly gives people great pleasure and
is at the same time soothing and restful. The pools and fountains
which in the life of this world people build in the gardens of their
houses and villas provide both an aesthetic view and a cooling envi-
ronment. Allah tells us about this characteristic of Paradise in an-
other verse: "In them are two gushing springs." (Surat ar-Rahman:
In addition, Allah informs us that believers will live in sooth-
ing, pleasant places: "Those who guard against evil will be amid
Gardens and Springs." (Surat al-Hijr: 45) and "The heedful will be
amid shade and fountains." (Surat al-Mursalat: 41) Amongst other
things of great beauty which Allah mentions in the Qur'an are the
flowers and plants of every type which are brought together in per-
fect harmony and from which people will take indescribable pleas-
u re. As well as these, fruit trees described as "thornless lote-trees"
(Surat al-Waqi‘a: 28) and "fruit-laden acacias," (Surat al-Waqi‘a: 29)
are another blessing. Allah adds to this that Paradise has an appear-