Page 107 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 107
Paradise, the Place of Endless Happiness
will be at their service and everything their hearts desire will be
theirs. Allah has created all these blessings so that believers can take
pleasure from them and be happy. He has turned everything they do
into a pleasure and an entertainment. They will never feel any an-
noyance or boredom with these things.
Another great blessing for believers which brings peace and
happiness is that they will live together with other sincere believers.
Without doubt, in Paradise believers will be cleansed of all moral
characteristics which annoy, anger and discomfort people in the life
of this world. In a verse of the Qur'an, Allah tells us that in Paradise
there will be no anger or hatred in the hearts of believers:
We will strip away any rancor in their hearts. Rivers will
flow under them and they will say, "Praise be to Allah Who
has guided us to this! We would not have been guided, had
Allah not guided us. The Messengers of our Lord came
with the Truth." It will be proclaimed to them: "This is your
Garden which you have inherited for what you did." (Surat
al-A‘raf: 43)
Of course, living in Paradise with perfectly pure people who
have been purged of every low attribute and negative characteristic
will be a great blessing for the true believers and a source of peace
and happiness. Allah tells us that in Paradise believers will express
their happiness as follows:
"Praise be to Allah Who has removed all sadness from us.
Truly our Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Thankful. He Who
has lodged us, out of His favor, in the Abode of
Permanence where no weariness or fatigue af f e c t s
us."(Surah Fatir: 34-35)
As we can see from these verses, in Paradise Allah will give
people the greatest pleasure and happiness. The joy and happiness