Page 109 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 109
Whether they are young or old, what most people expect of the
world is not just a successful, secure, comfortable and luxurious life,
although everybody would enjoy a life of this kind. Above all, peo-
ple want their lives to have a meaning and a purpose. On this im-
portant point, believers and disbelievers part company. Because
they know this life is their only chance of earning the good will of
Allah, believers make winning His approval their aim right up to the
end of their lives.
Disbelievers, on the other hand, pursue various purposes in
order to take maximum advantage of this valueless world and live
as long as they can driven by the desire to possess the world.
Because of this there are major diff e rences between the true happi-
ness of believers and the false happiness of the community of the ig-
norant. Believers are aware of the true nature of this world and the
reason for its creation. They know that Allah is testing them and that
it is their duty to serve Him. For this reason, they hope throughout
their lives for Paradise which is their real home and try to gain
Paradise by working to become more deserving of Allah's generos-
ity and reward.
Happiness is a great blessing both in this world and the next
which Allah grants His pious followers for their sincere belief and