Page 105 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 105

Paradise, the Place of Endless Happiness

        ance which is "of deep viridian green." (Surat ar-Rahman: 64)
             Bringing all these together sets before people a vision of en-
        chanting beauty. Neither is there any question of this vision fading
        or being lost with the passage of time. It will remain eternally un-
        touched and unblemished. The beauties and blessings which await
        believers in Paradise are not limited to these. In addition to these
        natural wonders, Allah tells us in the Qur'an of the beauty of the
        places where believers will live:
             But  those who  have fear  of  their Lord  will have  high-
             ceilinged Halls, and more such Halls built one above the
             other, and rivers flowing under them. That is Allah's prom -
             ise. Allah does not break His promise. (Surat az-Zumar: 20)
             As Allah informs us in this verse, believers will live in pavilions
        constructed on the heights of Paradise and looking out on inspiring
        views. As well as this Allah has created handsome servants for be-
        lievers. He tells us that they will provide believers with continual
        and uninterrupted service in this verse:
             Circulating among them there will be youths like hidden
             pearls. (Surat at-Tur: 24)
             F u r t h e r m o re, Allah tells us that the clothing of believers in
        Paradise will be beautiful: "[Believers will be] wearing fine silk
        and rich brocade, face to face with one another."  (Surat ad-Dukhan:
        53), and "... they will be adorned with gold bracelets and pearls..."
        (Surat al-Hajj: 23) As we know, silk and satin, gold and pearls are
        very valuable in this world. At the same time, this wealth and abun-
        dance are an expression of the high station of the believers. In the
        Garden, they will wear clothes made from silk and satin and jewelry
        of gold and pearls and their appearance will be aesthetically magnif-
        icent. Allah also brings us the good news in the Qur'an that in
        Paradise He will give believers spouses of unblemished and flaw-

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