Page 14 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 14
The Secret Structure of DNA
In the manufacture of a technological product or the management of a
plant, the greatest tools employed are the experience and accumulation of
knowledge that man has acquired over many centuries. The necessary
knowledge and experience needed for the construction of the human
body, the most advanced and sophisticated "plant" on earth, are stored in
DNA. DNA is a rather large molecule that is carefully protected in the cell
nucleus, and functions as a kind of data bank for the human body. The
information hidden inside DNA controls the thousands of different
events that take place in the cells of the human body and in the
functioning of its systems, as well as all physical features, from the colour
of a person's hair and eyes to his height. For example, even whether
someone's blood pressure is high, low or normal depends on the
information in DNA.
The important point that needs to be stressed here is that ever since
the very first human being, the trillions of examples of DNA in the billions
of human cells have been appearing in the same state of perfection and
complexity as at present. As you read the lines below, you will also come
to see how it is clearly unreasonable to claim, as evolutionists do, that
such a molecule, with all its mind-blowing structure and properties,
originated as a result of coincidences.
12 The Miracle of Creation in DNA