Page 19 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 19

outcome. God reveals this truth in a holy verse:
                 We created you, so why do you not confirm the truth? Have you thought
                 about the sperm that you ejaculate? Is it you who create it or are We the
                 Creator? (Qur'an, 56:57-59)
                 When the father's sperm cell fertilizes
             the mother's egg cell, the parents' genes
             come together to determine all the physical
             characteristics of the baby that will
             eventually be born. Each of the thousands
             of different genes has a particular function.
             It is the genes that determine hair and eye
             colour, facial shape, and countless details in
             the skeleton, internal organs, brain, nerves
             and muscles.
                 When the sperm unites with the egg, a
             cell forms-the basis of a new human being-
             and along with that cell, the first copy of
             the DNA molecule also forms, which will
             carry that person's genetic code inside each
             cell all through his life.
                 In order for that first cell, the fertilized
             egg, to turn into a human being, it needs to
             multiply, and in the knowledge of that, it
             begins to divide, with a remarkable
             consciousness. That consciousness reveals
             itself in the next phase. As the cells divide,
             they begin to grow different and go to those
             parts of the body where they are needed.
             Instead of a mass of flesh composed of
             exactly the same cells, some of them turn
             into eye cells and go where they are
             needed, others form heart cells and go to
             the chest, and still others become skin cells

                                DNA: The Data Source of Life                17
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