Page 20 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 20

and cover the whole body. All the cells multiply as much as is needed for
              the particular tissue they will construct, and start joining together to give
              the tissues the structure they need, thus beginning to create different
                   The coordination of this differentiation and structuring is made
              possible by the DNA molecule. We must not lose sight of the fact that
              DNA is neither a biochemist working in laboratories full of the very latest
              equipment, nor a super-computer able to perform trillions of calculations
              a second. DNA is a molecule made up of atoms such as carbon,
              phosphorous, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
                   Let us now consider the following facts: The trillions of cells in the
              human body multiply by dividing. Yet different genes in different cells are
              activated at different times, and that allows cells to differentiate. To put it
              another way, every cell that divides and multiplies after the first cell
              contains a complete set of genetic information. In other words, every
              single cell possesses the ability to produce heart muscle, skin, red blood
              cells or any other tissue in the body. Even though each cell contains a
              complete genetic description of the whole body, only some genes are
              active at different times in different organs. For instance, every cell
              contains the codes for the development and functioning of the kidneys,
              yet only the relevant genes are active in that organ, at certain times in the
              development phase. Similarly, certain enzymes, glucose-6-phospate for
              instance, are found mainly in the liver. Although all the cells of all other
              organs also possess the description of this protein, they never produce it.
              Eye cells never do; for example, they just make what is necessary for the
              eye: nerve cells will carry messages to and from the brain and the organs,
              liver cells will purify toxins, and fat cells store food for times when food
              is hard to find. None of them ever commit the error of producing stomach
              enzymes. So who carries out this flawless division of labor? Who orders
              the cells to specialise in different areas after they have divided and
              multiplied? Moreover, how do all the cells come by the consciousness to
              obey, and whom do they listen to while working with such flawless
              discipline and organization? It is quite clear that none of these are

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