Page 17 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 17

             chromosome Condensed


            DNA double                      Nucleosomes

              The DNA molecule in the nucleus is wrapped up in special covers called
              chromosomes. The total length of a DNA molecule wrapped up in the
              chromosomes is 1 metre. A chromosome is one nanometre thick, in other words a
              billionth of a metre. How is a 1-metre long DNA molecule contained in such a tiny
              Chromosome packages are actually made up of much smaller special container
              systems. The DNA molecule is first wound around special proteins called histones,
              just like a cotton reel. Thus, they form structures called nucleosomes. These
              nucleosomes are specially designed to protect the DNA and stop it being damaged.
              When nucleosomes are strung on to one another, they form chromatins. Closely
              wound coiled loops form with the chromatin. In this way, a superb creation
              squeezes the DNA molecule into a tiny space only a billionth of its length.

                                DNA: The Data Source of Life                15
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