Page 18 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 18
Computers are currently the most advanced form of technology for
storing information. A body of information, which, 30 years ago, was
routinely stored in a computer the size of a room, can today be stored in
small "discs," yet even the latest technology invented by human
intelligence, after centuries of accumulated knowledge and years of hard
work, is far from reaching the information storage capacity of a single cell
nucleus. The following comparison made by the well-known professor of
microbiology Michael Denton, will probably suffice to highlight the
contrast between the tiny size of DNA and the great amount of
information it contains:
The information necessary to specify the design of all the species of
organisms which have ever existed on the planet, a number according to
G.G. Simpson of approximately one thousand million, could be held in a
teaspoon and there would still be room left for all the information in every
book ever written. 1
How can a chain invisible to the eye, made up of atoms arranged
sideways, with a diametre the size of a billionth of a millimetre, possess
such information capacity and memory? And to this question also add the
following: While each one of the 100 trillion cells in your body knows one
million pages of information by heart, how many encyclopaedia pages
can you, as an intelligent and conscious human being, memorize in your
entire life? Even more important, the cell uses this information quite
flawlessly, in an exceedingly planned and coordinated manner, in the
appropriate places, and never makes any errors. Even before a human
being has come into existence, his cells have already begun the process of
building him.
Cells: Building Blocks of Humans
The fertilization of an egg by the sperm means the beginning of a
new human life. Millions of sperm compete to fertilize the egg, although
only one of them will manage to do so. Yet the race is not left to chance or
coincidence, since every phase of it has been created by God with a fixed
16 The Miracle of Creation in DNA