Page 41 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 41
natural selection is due to a struggle for survival among the species is
first encountered in the work of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus.
According to Heraclitus' thesis, there is a constant struggle among
living things. In a sense this is the origin of Darwin's theory of natural
selection 2,500 years later.
Empedocles (495-435 BC), who lived later than Thales and
Anaximander, believed that everything present on the earth came to
be through random intermixtures in varying proportions of water, air,
fire and earth. The writer David Skjaerlund, who has investigated the
philosophical roots of the theory of evolution in his book
Philosophical Origins of Evolution, states that Empedocles had some
interesting ideas; he "believed that chance alone was responsible for
the entire process and that man had developed from prior plant life." 32
The concept of chance in ancient religions forms a basic belief and is
also the most important idol of the religion of Darwinism.
Democritus is another Greek philosopher who contributed to the
theory of evolution and to those materialist philosophies that take the
theory for their foundation. According to Democritus, the universe is
composed of small particles called atoms and apart from matter
nothing exists. Atoms have always existed – uncreated and
indestructible. Hence, matter has always existed and will continue to
exist into eternity. Democritus rejected any kind of spiritual faith and
claimed that spiritual values, even morality, can be reduced to atoms.
Thus, Democritus has been called the first true materialist
philosopher; to him the universe has no purpose, everything moves
according to a blind necessity, and everything came into being
spontaneously by itself. One is reminded again of the false gods of
modern evolutionists – unconscious atoms.
Unconscious atoms composing the universe – the world, the air
we breathe, what we eat and drink, our bodies – in short, everything
we perceive, are central to the Darwinian theory. It is well known that
every living thing, human beings included, is made up of atoms of