Page 46 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 46
formed by themselves evolving from minerals to organic matter, from
living organisms to plants, animals, human beings and finally to
"gods." According to this belief, new organs formed by themselves
conforming to the needs of nature. Originally, the idea was proposed
only as a philosophical view. According to this specious reasoning,
small living things became larger living things stage by stage; every
living thing has its place in the chain. It asserts also that stone, metal,
water and air became living organisms, living organisms became
animals, and animals became human beings without any interruption
in the process. The reason this belief (which has no scientific
foundation, contradicts all scientific facts, and stands only on abstract
logic) has won acceptance for so long is not a scientific but an
ideological one. What allows this false belief to endure is a dogmatic
approach that denies the existence of AllŒh. This belief periodically
changed its name, was elaborated, and finally became known as the
"theory of evolution."
But it must be repeated: the alleged serial arrangement takes no
account of science. There is no consideration of the physical
characteristics of living things or about how life could come into being
from lifeless materials or how water-dwelling creatures could adapt to
life on land. Transitional forms, which are supposed to represent links
of development between
species constitute one of
the most serious impasses
in the theory of evolution
today because they are not
found in the fossil record.
How creatures change into
others remains a great
mystery because the chain is
merely the product of a
superficial abstract logic