Page 44 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 44


              contributor to the religion of Darwinism was the Greek philosopher
              Aristotle.  According to Aristotle, species can be arranged in a
              hierarchy from the simplest to the most complex and aligned in a
              linear form like steps in a ladder; he called this thesis the  Scala
              Naturae.  This idea of Aristotle would deeply influence western
              thought until the 18th century and was later to become the origin of
              belief in the Great Chain of Being, which, in turn, became the theory of

              Another Belief from Ancient Pagan Cultures:
              The Great Chain of Being

                   The underlying idea of Darwinism – that every living thing
              evolved from matter – is first encountered in the conception of the
              Great Chain of Being by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.  This is an
              evolutionary belief still popular with those philosophers who deny the
                                                  existence of AllŒh.
                                                       The originally Greek idea
                                                    that the first living thing
                                                     spontaneously       produced
                                                      itself from water in the
                                                      course of time became the
                                                       doctrine of the Great Chain
                                                        of Being.  According to the
                                                         Scala Naturae which had
                                                          been accepted for 2000
                                                           years,  living   things

                                                       The Greek philosopher Aristotle:
                                                       His thesis,  Scala Naturae, was a
                                                       source of inspiration for modern

                              THE RELIGION OF DARWINISM
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