Page 42 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 42
Democritus, like modern
materialists, believed erro-
neously that matter is
eternal and that nothing
exists but matter.
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, magnesium, iron and other
elements. Darwinism claims that these atoms came together
randomly by chance. According to this nonsensical claim, the various
atoms that were formed by some unknown impulse later came
together incidentally to form stars, planets and all heavenly bodies.
After a time atoms again came together by chance to form a living cell
with a highly complex structure. Then this living cell underwent a
process of evolution to form living things with extraordinarily
elaborate systems, and finally, human beings with a highly developed
consciousness. Moreover, the human being who is totally the result of
chance, with the aid of instruments developed by chance (such as the
electron microscope), has discovered the atoms from which he is
formed! This is passed off as a scientific thesis!
Thus, the theory of evolution accepts as a fact that every atom is a