Page 78 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 78


            many illnesses.
                 All these qualities are visible at first glance in those who want
            to reflect negative thoughts. They should be reminded that they will
            experience anxiety in this world and receive their appropriate re-
            ward in the world to come. Life of this world is fleeting and short; in
            the Afterlife, everyone will receive an eternal reward for what they
            have done.

                 They act loveless, uninterested, cold and
                 Generally, people take pleasure in loving, being loved and
            being cared for. But some people, because of the tactics satan has
            used against them, deprive themselves by their own will of this
            blessing. First of all, the messages they send to those around them
            distances them from loving and being loved. For the sake of follow-
            ing the path that satan has shown, they unknowingly make life dif-
            ficult for themselves and deprive themselves of all good things.
                 But this, like all other perverse acts that satan encourages, goes
            against human creation. The Qur'an tells us that satan ruins human na-
            ture and prevents people from living a life of pleasure and happiness:

                 I will lead them astray and fill them with false hopes. I will
                 command them and they will cut off cattle's ears. I will
                 command them and they will change Allah's creation.'
                 Anyone who takes satan as his protector in place of Allah
                 has clearly lost everything. (Surat an-Nisa': 119)
                 On the contrary, he draws them into an oppressive situation in
            which they are bereft of blessings. Love is one of the most wonderful
            blessings that Allah has created for human beings in this earthly life.
            But under satan's influence, an individual may be deprived of lov-

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