Page 74 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 74
methods of protest, but sincerely and openly.
Like their other assertions, these people's claim that they could
not regain their joy even if they wanted to and have not the will to
overcome their unhappiness is false. First of all, nothing can rob a
faithful person of his joy and pleasure; nothing can make him intro-
verted or anxious. A person with faith knows that Allah has created
everything for some good purpose. He continually experiences the
joy from knowing that Allah's mercy and compassion are infinite
and that He will create a good life on Earth for His faithful servants
and the best things in the life to come. He lives happy in the hope of
finding favor with Allah and in the glad tidings that he will go to the
Garden and live forever amid incomparable blessings.
Besides this, Muslims never say in their conversations that they
"do not have the strength or the will." In the Qur'an, Allah has given
examples of how hypocrites speak in this way, showing how they
use these words as an insincere excuse as to why they don't live ac-
cording to the moral values of the Qur'an. A Muslim always relies
on and trusts in Allah; even in the most trying situations, he is never
daunted. Secure in the knowledge that "Allah is with us," he lives
content in his trust in Him. This allows him always to be hopeful
and to have a strong and determined personality.
All this shows that people under satan's influence are basically
on the side of a totally insincere morality under the guise of "good
intentions." They deceive themselves and, although they perceive
their own insincerity, they ease their consciences with the excuses
they put forward.
They maintain that they can give up this kind of behavior any
time they want, and deliberately try to make those around them
tense and uncomfortable. An aware person who knows the moral