Page 75 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 75
Harun Yahya
teachings of the Qur'an, but deliberately engages in behavior that
goes against his conscience, will have his appropriate repayment in
Allah's presence. It would make no sense for a person to live an un-
happy life and then suffer the pangs of Hell in the next life, just for
the sake of a small gain in this Earthly one.
The kind of person who wants to harm sincere individuals
under the guise of good intentions can never achieve his aims.
Muslims know that every wicked deed will rebound against the per-
petrator, both in this world and in the next. Believers know that they
will lose nothing, that their responsibility is only to exhort others to
embrace goodness and remind them of the rewards they will receive
in the next life for what they have done in this one. For this reason,
doers of wickedness basically harm only themselves.
They send messages through their dull, stiff facial
One of the most important blessings that Allah has given to
human beings is their eyes. Everyone of sound mind uses his facial
expressions to express his feelings. But those under satan's influence
use their faces for an opposite effect; they use their eyes that Allah
has given them to reflect the wickedness that they harbor within
themselves. One of these people's most obvious characteristics is
their dead look and the dull, expressionless faces that their depres-
sion, fatigue and exhaustion give them. With this lifeless look, they
seek to send a message to those around them. Sometimes they plan to
attract the attention of others to their unhappiness to make them un-
comfortable. Sometimes— again under satan's influence, they try to
keep expressions of love, respect and other positive emotions from
appearing on their faces. And sometimes, their silent language tries
to hint at the anger, vindictiveness and jealousy in their hearts.