Page 36 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 36
nothing and you will be among the losers." (Surat al-
Zumar: 65)
Clearly, ascribing equals to Allah is a grievous sin that
can drag a person down to Hell. Therefore, anyone who
fears and respects Allah and hopes for His Paradise must
guard against it.
This book has been written in the hope that having a
clear understanding of the Qur'anic concept of idolatry will
help the readers realize that much of what some people
consider to be perfectly normal and regular behavior is, in
fact, nothing more than idolatry. May it achieve this aim and
may it be a means whereby this people will renounce their
mistaken beliefs and worldview and serve only Almighty
Allah, the Creator of all things.
Readers must also be informed that this danger may not
be something that existed only a long time ago or in primi-
tive societies. It is probably far closer to them than they
think it is, and thus should be of great concern to them.
Those who feel no need to reflect on this matter will fail to
benefit from what is said herein. In other words, if they are
idolaters they will remain so and face Allah after death in a
state of great sin. No Muslim wants to meet the Lord in such
a state.
Therefore, read this book in all sincerity, as if it had been
written just for you. Reflect on it honestly and consider the
examples and the verses in the Qur'an carefully, and then
determine if your beliefs and actions are based on idolatry
in any way. Since all people are helpless and prone to error,
the important thing is to recognize one's errors and aban-
don them immediately.