Page 39 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 39
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 37
their location and amount, and that He can withdraw His
wealth from anyone whenever He wills. When evaluating
materially rich people, the important thing is not their eco-
nomic status but that they are thought of as Allah's servant.
For example, if one's family members regard the father as
the true owner of his wealth and thus place their hopes
solely in him, thereby forgetting the wealth's true owner,
they are committing a serious sin. Similarly, those who work
alongside this person must realize that only Allah feeds,
clothes, and shelters them. It would be highly irrational for
them to regard their employer as the one who provides for
them, because:
Instead of [worshipping] Allah, you worship only idols
and invent falsehood. Those whom you worship besides
Allah have no power to provide for you, so seek your
provision from Allah, worship Him, and give thanks to
Him. It is to Him that you will be returned. (Surat al-
'Ankabut: 17)
In addition, Allah states in the Qur'an that there is no
force and power other than Him (Surat al-Kahf: 39).
Whatever resembles force and power in His created entities
is actually a little reflection of His infinite might. Allah can
remove these apparent attributes at any moment.
Overestimating anyone because of these attributes
bestowed on them by Allah in this world, temporarily and as
a test, and to admire them in this respect as if that power
was actually inherent in them, is a form of ascribing divine
status to them (Surely Allah is beyond that). Allah reveals in
the Qur'an: