Page 42 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 42
respecting someone as much as or more than Allah, and
thus abandoning His commands or behaving in a way does
not please Him, means exactly the same thing. Loving
another person as much as Allah means one is in shirk and
sees that person as a false deity other than Almighty Allah
If someone who is aware of the requirement to live by faith
points to his or her surroundings or environment as a justi-
fication for making concessions on religion so as not to
attract criticism, this a clear sign of idolatry – whose
approval should be more important? A person's family or
close circle may not understand Islam, in which case any
departure from its requirements or making concessions is
another sign of that same danger. No Muslim can make any
concessions regarding Allah's approval, for only His
approval matters. Of course nobody wants to lessen his or
her love and respect for the family. But if family members
call upon him or her to ascribe equals to Allah, He reveals
the correct reaction:
We have instructed man to honor his parents. But if they
endeavor to make you associate with Me something
about which you have no knowledge, do not obey them.
It is to Me that you will return, and I will inform you
about the things you did. (Surat al-'Ankabut: 8)
The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace)
is the best example of how to deal with non-Muslims. While
he was preaching, many people realized that the Qur'an
was Allah's word and had to be heeded. However, very few
of them actually implemented the requirements of religious
morality and followed him. For instance, the verses regard-