Page 37 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 37
T he Arabic word shirk implies partnership. The
term is translated into English as ascribing
partners or equals to Allah. The Qur'an uses
shirk in the following sense: regarding, preferring, or attach-
ing importance or worth to anything, anyone, or any con-
cept in such a way that it is considered to be equal to or
above Allah (Surely Allah is beyond that), and then acting
according to that distorted perspective. This attitude means
that one regards members of Allah's Creation as Divine,
although only He can be Divine.
The truth that is announced in the Qur'an is that there is
no deity other than Allah. This truth is set out in the profes-
sion of faith, la ilaha illa Allah, and is reiterated throughout
the Qur'an. However, Muslims need to understand this
point fully and reflect upon it deeply. Given that all power
and might belongs to Allah and that He is the Only God, this
cannot be interpreted in a superficial manner. When we look
at the Qur'an, we see that any other belief, attitude, or
behavior that is not based upon this truth is actually idola-
try. Thus, we may translate shirk in the general sense as the
false conception and idea that any person, thing, or sup-
posed deity has any actual power and might other than
Allah (Surely Allah is beyond that).