Page 41 - The Worst Slander: Idolatry
P. 41

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)               39

              Power, opportunity, intelligence, beauty, fame, and rank
           are all attributes created by Him. Since He created them, He
           can easily remove them whenever He wills to do so. Allah
           manifests Himself in different ways in all places and all peo-
           ple. It is these manifestations that one sees wherever he or
           she looks. Those who believe in Allah must place the real-
           ization that nothing exists independent of Allah firmly in their
           heart. Only when they believe, think, and behave in accor-
           dance with this truth can they stop ascribing equals to

              The Idolaters' Invalid Justifications
              We can learn the most accurate meanings of idolatry,
           monotheism, service, and worship from the Qur'an and the
           hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bless him
           and grant him peace). Only by reading and understanding
           the Qur'an and the hadiths and seeking to implement them
           in our lives can we acquire an attitude, understanding,
           belief, and behavior that takes Allah as our Lord in all mat-
           ters and thus avoid the error of idolatry. Therefore, someone
           who has faith and knows that the Qur'an is the truth must
           not adopt any other criteria when it comes to matters of
           faith, thought, moral understanding, lifestyle, and other
           value judgments. In addition, trying to justify one's prefer-
           ence for alternatives to Allah's commands and thus aban-
           doning His stipulations leads to idolatry.
              No such justification is valid. For example, preferring
           someone's approval and seeking to please him or her
           instead of Allah means adopting a false deity. Fearing and
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