Page 80 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 80
the large ventricles. When the ventricles contract, the valves close be-
tween them and the atria, and blood is prevented from flowing back in
the direction from which it came.
There are similar valves in the large ventricle’s exit. When the large
ventricles contract, these valves open and blood is allowed to flow to the
body. The moment the contraction stops, however, the valves close, pre-
venting the blood from returning to the heart.
This mechanism is exceptionally reliable. Similar systems are em-
ployed in modern pumps today. A pump is a device which propels liq-
uids or gasses in one direction. The valve is a gate-like device that opens
or closes in order to control the flow of those liquids or gasses. When
you pull the trigger on a water pistol, you compress the water inside it.
This causes a small valve inside to close and another outside to open,
and the piston is pumped, expelling the water. In the same way, valves
in the heart guarantee that blood can be pumped in only one direction.
The valves in the veins prevent a backward flow against the force
of gravity. When you stand upside down, your blood does not rush to
your head, as you might expect. That is prevented by the pumps and
valves in the heart. We can compare this situation to the way that valves
prevent air from escaping after it has been pumped into a bicycle tire. 49
As you see, the heart has been specially designed for a specific pur-
pose. And where there is design, there is inevitably a conscious, intelli-
gent designer. Even if we cannot actually see the designer himself, we
can see the evidence for his existence by viewing the design. Similarly,
the systems in our bodies also reveal the proofs of the existence of our
Lord, Who created them all.
The Heart’s Electronic System and Generator
Have you ever wondered what enables your heart to keep beating?
How does it work automatically for hours, days and even scores of
years? The tireless pumping system works with the electrical energy, as
mentioned earlier. The heart transports blood and all the vital materials
to the organs and cells thanks to electrical energy. That is the reason why