Page 75 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 75
The propulsive force
that allows the blood to flow
to every cell in the body is provid-
ed by the heart, with its special pump-
ing system. The heart’s most important fea-
ture is the way it never stops working. Its special
muscles never suffer fatigue. No artificial pump
can work for a lifetime without rest and adjust the
rate of pumping according to circumstances. This
reveals the wisdom of our Lord and the extraordi-
nary nature of the heart’s creation.
As you have seen, a very delicate system inside us functions at
every moment, according to a flawless plan. But under whose control is
it? It is impossible for organs like the heart and liver, consisting of un-
conscious cells, to accomplish this by themselves. It is equally also im-
possible for unconscious blood cells to assume such a vital function as
constantly carrying oxygen to all the other cells in the body. No doubt
that these cells, exhibiting a high level of consciousness that does not be-
long to them, are working for our survival under the inspiration of God.
They fulfill the flawless duties assigned to them.