Page 74 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 74
perform a series of calculations and constantly fulfill this function flaw-
lessly. This is just one of the many features of the human circulatory sys-
tem. Blood carries nutrients to cells with wholly different responsibili-
ties, and transports their collected waste products to the kidneys, lungs
and liver. It receives hormones secreted by the glands and transmits
them to organs in need of them. It keeps the body temperature constant
and protects the body when any foreign substance enters. In addition, it
carries out all these processes without interruption for an average of 70
years. (For detailed information, see Harun Yahya, The Miracle of the
Blood and Heart.)
On the other hand, the body’s organs need various substances in or-
der to perform their own functions. These substances which are carried
by the blood include nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, vitamins
and minerals and, most important of all, oxygen. That so, you can once
again see the importance the veins stretching all through the body, of
blood reaching everywhere in it and flawlessly performing all its duties.
These substances carried by the blood are of vital importance to the sur-
vival of all the body’s organs.
However, not all organs require the same amount of blood. Those
with a high rate of metabolism, for example, require more blood than
others. Therefore, there is a regulation in the level of blood transfer that,
however, does not function like a pre-programmed machine. In extraor-
dinary circumstances, blood circulation alters its way of working accord-
ing to the situation. In the event of poisoning, for example, the amount
of blood flowing to the poisoned tissues is increased, to increase oxygen
and remove as much of the toxins as possible.
Blood is not limited to carrying oxygen and collecting nutrients. It
also collects cell wastes and permits them to be expelled from the body.
Each one of your trillions of cells produces many waste products, such
as carbon dioxide and urea that collect in the blood and could have
harmful effects on the body. But urea is removed from the body by being
carried to the kidneys, while the carbon dioxide is carried to the lungs,
from whence it is expelled.