Page 76 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 76


                   Immune cells are also circulated throughout the body by means of
              the blood. (For detailed information, see Harun Yahya, The Miracle of
              the Immune System.) The white blood cells, which engage in the first ac-
              tion against bacteria or viruses that enter the body, are carried to the spe-
              cific location of infection by the blood. Antibodies and leucocytes in the
              blood immediately identify the place where the danger has arisen and
              immediately reach their target destination with the rapidly flow of
              blood. Cells carry out a series of conscious, rational actions, such as rec-
              ognizing the danger, identifying its location, traveling to the region by
              means of the circulation and immediately initiating a defense. How does
              the immune system make its decisions, which require intelligent con-
              sciousness? How can it determine that dangers are indeed dangers, and
              learn how to combat them? These are just a few of the questions that
              leave evolutionists speechless.
                   The cells in the blood stream are only a few microns in size, and
              consist of water. They have no reasoning ability, sensory organs, nor any
              other similar attributes. Yet they can determine direction, identify sickly
              cells, become aware of danger, and eliminate those dangers by acting in
              concert—all exceedingly conscious actions. It is unreasonable and illog-
              ical to assume that all these functions developed spontaneously, as the
              result of chance. Blood cells too small to be seen with the naked eye, de-
              void of any capacity for thought or reason, fulfill all these roles, which
              you cannot do for yourself, with the greatest care and scrupulousness.
              Clearly, any phenomenon that did arise by chance would inflict damage
              on the existing order, rather than improving this magnificent system, be-
              cause even the slightest error in the body’s microbiological system
              would have exceedingly undesirable consequences.

                   The Heart: A Matchless Pump
                   The blood reaches every corner of the body by means of the heart,
              with its dual pumping mechanism. The two left chambers of the heart
              pumps fresh oxygen-rich blood to the entire body, while the right cham-
              bers send returning blood to the lungs for carbon dioxide to be extracted
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