Page 73 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 73
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) 71
Blood, the Source of Human Life,
Cannot Have Emerged by Chance
We are indebted to this fluid that constantly circulates through our
bodies, for our living healthy lives. Blood’s most fundamental duty is
providing the oxygen that cells need to live, by circulating from the deep-
est folds of the brain to the outermost layers of our skin. Cells need oxy-
gen to produce energy by breaking down sugar. If blood fails to reach a
cell, it suffers oxygen deficiency that leads to the death of that cell.
However, this system functions at every moment and in a flawless
manner for each of the 100 trillions cells in the body. In one day, the blood
travels a total of 19,000 km (12,000 miles)—that’s four times the distance
across the US from coast to coast.
Five liters (1.3 gallons) of blood must circulate in the veins running
through all parts of a body of average weight. If a fifth of this portion, a
one-liter quantity, is absent, the remaining blood becomes more difficult
to move. If it is unable to fill the veins, then the very fine blood vessels
will adhere to one another. Blood circulation will slow, and cells will
rapidly begin dying. Cells can withstand oxygen deficiency for only one
or two minutes.
For this reason, the body’s oxygen needs to be constantly moni-
tored and kept at a fixed level. It is definitely illogical to
maintain that blood cells acquired
such ability by themselves, as
the result of chance and pos-
sess the consciousness to