Page 77 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 77

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)                           75

         Superior vena
         cava                               Pulmonary artery   Pulmonary valve
                                            Pulmonary trunk
          Pulmonary                         Pulmonary vein
          artery                                                        Aortic valve
                                               Left atrium  Tricuspid valve
                                               Cardiac vein               Mitral valve
          Right atrium


                                                                       Right ventricle
              Inferior vena  Right ventricle Left ventricle
                                                                  Left ventricle
            The heart is a combination consisting of two different pumps. The one on the left
            pumps oxygenated blood to the body’s organs and tissues, and the one on the
            right pumps CO -laden blood to the lungs, causing all the blood in the body to cir-
            culate 1,000 times a day. An adult heart pumps 250 million liters (66,040,000 gal-
            lons) of blood over a 70-year life span. (“The Incredible Machine,” National
            Geographic Magazine, Washington D.C., 1986, p. 123)

            and replaced with oxygen. The left-hand chambers pos-
            sess thicker muscles, since they pump at a higher pres-
            sure in order to send blood to reach the whole body. The
            heart’s most important feature is how it works
            non-stop, beating approximately 70 times a
            minute, 100,000 times a day, and 40 million times
            a year. During the course of an average lifetime, it beats
            more than 2 billion times and pumps enough blood to fill an
            average of 100 swimming pools.
                 Also exceedingly important is that the heart’s inde-
            fatigable muscles pump a level of blood that depends on
            the prevailing circumstances. During sleep, the heart pumps
            approximately 340 liters (90 gallons) of blood an hour, while
            during physical activity,—for instance, when running—it
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