Page 195 - Allgegenwärtige Herrlichkeit
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            1- Roger Davey, David Stanley, “All about ice,”  #Nacre
            New Scientist, September 6, 1993.     25- Francis Darwin, Life and the Letters of Charles
            2- T.T. Kozlowski, Seed Biology, Academic Press,  Darwin, Vol. II, p.305.
            New York and London, 1972, p.194.     26- Florida's Fabulous Butterflies, World Publications,
            3- Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W.  FL, 1999, p.57.
            Martin, Claude Villee, Biology, Saunders College  27- Paul Keck, “Feathers: Created or Evolved?,”
            Publishing, p. 751.         
            4- David Attenborough,  Life on Earth, Collins  28- David Attenborough, The Life of Birds, Princeton
            British Broadcasting Corporation, London, 1985,  University Press, New Jersey, 1998, p.78.
            pp.84-86.                             29- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life, s.137
            5- Natural History, March 1999, pp.72-74.  30- David Attenborough, The Life of Birds, Princeton
            6- Christophe O’toole and Anthony Raw, Bees of  University Press, New Jersey, 1998, s.92.
            the World, Blanford, London, 1999, p.63.  31- Zoobooks, April 1993, Vol. 10, no. 7.
            7- Bates Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi (Bates Encyclopedia of  32- David Attenborough, The Life of Birds, Princeton
            Animals), C.B.P.C. Publishing Ltd., p. 244.  University Press, New Jersey, 1998, p.51.
            8- Ali Demirsoy, Yasamin Temel Kurallari (Basic  33- Peter J.B.Slater,  The Encyclopedia of Animal
            Fundamentals of Life), Meteksan A.    Behaviour, p.42, David Attenborough, The Life of
            Ş., Ankara, 1992, pp. 18-22.          Birds, Princeton University Press, New Jersey,
            9- Bert Hölldobler-Edward O.Wilson, The Ants,  1998, pp.234-235.
            Harvard University Press, 1990, p. 534-535.  34- Bates Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi (Bates Encyclopedia of
            10- Geo Magazine, October 1995, p. 186.  Animals), C.B.P.C. Publishing Ltd., p.88.
            11- Anita Ganeri, Creatures That Glow, Marshall  35- David Attenborough, The Life of Birds, Princeton
            Editions, London, 1995, pp. 10-11.    University Press, New Jersey, 1998, p.256.
            12- Anita Ganeri, Creatures That Glow, Marshall  36- Science et Vie, no.931, p.5
            Editions, London, 1995, p. 28.        37-
            13- Anita Ganeri, Creatures That Glow, Marshall  Dragonfly.html
            Editions, London, 1995, p. 16.        38-  Evolution  Encyclopedia,  Vol.  2,
            14- Betty Mamane, “Le Surdoue du Grand Bleu,”
            Science et Vie Juniour, August 1998, pp.79-84.  39- Michael Scott, The Young Oxford Book of Ecology,
            15-  Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994, p. 49.
            dolphin/anatomy/anatomy.html          40-  International Wildlife, November-December
            16-        1997, no.6, p.53.
            calwild/fall2001/stories/tidepools2.htm  41- Maurice and Robert Burton, Encyclopedia of
            17-  Reptiles, Amphibians and Other Cold Blooded
            courses/SO231_Hager/parrotfishpage.htm  Animals, Octopus Books Limited, 1975, p. 48
            18- Marco Ferrari, Colors for Survival, Barnes and  42- Lawrence O. Richards, It Couldn't Just Happen,
            Noble Books, New York, 1992, p.123.   Word Publishing, Dallas, 1987, p.108.
            19- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life, William  43- Geraldine Lux Flanagan,  Beginning of Life,
            Collins & Sons, London, 1990, p. 123  Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p.68
            20- David Juhasz, “The Amazing Sea Horse,”  44- Some publications refer to 100 billion neurons
            Creation Ex Nihilo, June-August 1994, Volume 16,  in the brain. Actually, there are only 10 billion, but
            no. 3, pp. 39-40.                     they are surrounded by 90 billion glial cells (that
            21- Florida’s Fabulous Seashells, World Publications,  are like neurons, but more limited in their func-
            FL, 1999, p. 15.                      tional capability.)
            22- Dr. Jack Hall, “The Most Important Organism?”  45- Jean Guitton,  Dieu et La Science: Vers Le
    Métaréalisme, Grasset, Paris, 1991, p. 62.
            world/most-important-organism/        46- Jean Guitton,  Dieu et La Science: Vers Le
            23- Mitchell Beazley,  Oceans, Mitchell Beazley  Métaréalisme, Grasset, Paris, 1991, p. 62.
            Pub., 1991, UK, p.68.                 47- George Greenstein, The Symbiotic Universe,
            2                4                 -  William Morrow, New York, 1988, pp. 64-65
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