Page 212 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 212

Harun Yahya

                                 Why a large number of people believe in a theo-
                               ry—or appear to do so—has nothing to do with its sci-
                                 entific validity. Although the theory of evolution
                                  has been realized to have no such scientific valid-
                                   ity, it still has its adherents, for solely ideological
                                       Today, the theory of evolution is not accepted
                                     by the entire scientific world. Only a few biased
                                        scientists espouse evolution, not the whole

                                         scientific community. People who ap-
                                         proach biology from an objective perspec-
                                          tive must acknowledge the countless sci-
                                           entists who have rejected the theory of
                                           evolution, particularly over the last 20 to
                                           30 years. Many academics and scientists
                                           today have seen the theory collapse, an-
                                            alyzed the scientific research and de-

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