Page 207 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 207

Adnan Oktar

                  These reconstructions have no scientific validity and contribute
             nothing in the way of evidence for evolution. They are all fantasies
             dreamed up to convince people that semi-ape, semi-human beings
             once lived in the past.
                  But no matter how much Darwinists attempt to mislead through
             reconstructions, they have no evidence to indicate the validity of evo-
             lution. Meaningless reconstructions may once have influenced the pub-
             lic, but most people now realize that the ape-men depicted in newspa-
             pers and magazines are mere fantasies. They now have comprehensive

             information on the subject, and all the answers to refute evolutionist
             claims. They know that the ape-men in question never existed. They
             have realized that humans, like all other living things, never under-
             went evolution, and that the images they see are scientifically worth-
             less. They can now see through all the deceptive methods employed by

               It is astonishing that over a billion fossils have been found, yet
               there is no undisputed transitional form between very different
               types of animals or even animal features (such as a reptile’s scale
               turning into a bird’s feather). How can we say that evolution (the
               idea that man is the result of slow changes over time from earlier
               creatures) be considered a reasonable theory in light of this lack
               of evidence?  76
               Richard L. Kleiss, author

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