Page 206 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 206

Harun Yahya

                                             Reconstructions, sometimes produced on the ba-
                                             sis of a single arm bone or a single tooth, are ex-
                                             amples of a terrible deception. Despite the impos-
                                             sibility of identifying soft tissue, fictitious ape-like
                                             humans are depicted in their social habitats, and
                                             this is depicted as fact in the evolutionist press.

               the vertebrae or even a single bone and on occasion, even one single
               tooth. (Nebraska Man, his family, and his social life were all recon-
               structed based on the discovery of just one tooth. The tooth in question

               was given the name of “Nebraska Man,” though there was no fossil ev-
               idence to indicate any of that life form’s distinguishing features.
                   Shortly afterwards, however, it was established that the tooth in
               question actually belonged to a wild boar. This depiction of an imagi-
               nary humanoid took its place alongside all the other evolutionary

               frauds. This is a significant example of the kind of deception that
               Darwinists turn to in their reconstructions, drawings and models that
               evolutionists can interpret exactly as they wish.

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