Page 209 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 209

Adnan Oktar

             distinguish between squares and circles, between red and blue, and can
             arrange objects in the manner requested. Furthermore, and unlike apes,
             parrots are also capable of talking by imitating sounds. That being so,
             there is a far greater probability—according to the illogical claims made
             by Darwinists—of parrots turning into human-like beings.
                  In order to back up this impossible scenario, the product of super-
             ficial thinking, Darwinists must produce countless lies and false evi-
             dence. Yet rational people want to see facts that emerge as the result of
             research and scientific inquiry. What science does show is that humans,

             with their complex characteristics and superior attributes, were created
             from nothing in a single moment.
                  Almighty Allah confirms this in the verses:
                  We created man from the purest kind of clay; then made
                  him a drop in a secure recepta-
                  cle; then formed the drop into
                  a clot and formed the clot in-
                  to a lump and formed the

          When trained, parrots can distinguish be-
          tween squares and circles, and between
          red and blue. According to the criteria of
          the theory of evolu-
          tion, the skills dis-
          played by living
          things, should mean
          that parrots eventu-
          ally turn into human
          beings. This is clear-
          ly a totally irrational
          idea, but that
          is the kind of
          logic evolu-
          tionists es-

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