Page 71 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 71
China and Cambodia; the communist regimes in North Korea have also
inflicted a ruthless terror on their own people. The "Juche" (Juche mean-
ing "spirit of self-reliance" or "independent stand") doctrine, even more
ruthless than Mao's policies, was implemented in the country.
Falls in production, famine and mass deaths have taken place
because of communist agricultural policies. It is estimated that some 2
million people starved to death in North Korea in the 1990s, though the
true figure may have been as high as 4 million. While the people starve,
spending on the military, ballistic missiles and the nation's pursuit of
nuclear weapons continues to consume the country's resources.
Though very little is known about the
internal life of the country beyond what
their carefully managed propaganda and
state media chooses to release to the
wider world, there are the testimonies of
those who have defected and speak of
horrors such as "Camp 22", officially
Penal Labor Colony #22, a concentration
camp in North Hamgyong Province,
where the inmates, sometimes whole
families, are isolated, forced to work all
day regardless of weather conditions,
systematically starved and abused, and
frequently executed or tortured to death.
There are also disturbing testimonies of
medical experimentation similar to that
practiced by the Nazis at Auschwitz.
The Red barbarity in Asia was not limited to China
and Cambodia; communist regimes in North Korea
and Vietnam also inflicted ruthless terror on their
own peoples. The number of people murdered by
the North Korean regime under the decades of dicta-
torship by Kim Il Sung has been out at 1.5 million.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 69