Page 74 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 74
Bloody Communıst
Leaders Belıeved ın Theır
Savagery as a Requırement
of Communıst Ideology
No communist has ever admitted that this balance sheet of horror
in communist countries was a mistake. Savagery is a requirement of
communism. Pol Pot, who killed 3.3 million people, thought that when
he said on his deathbed in 1998, "My conscience is clear." Bloodthirsty
communist leaders have always been proud of the savagery and
slaughter they committed because they always think they are serving
communist ideology by killing, destroying, creating famines and plun-
dering the state treasuries. They invariably have this Darwinist ideolo-
gy in their minds that tells them that their actions are legitimate. One
can clearly see this in the communists' own words:
72 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan