Page 70 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 70

teachers, or even those who could simply read or wore eyeglasses were
           tortured and slaughtered as "parasite intellectuals" or "under the influ-
           ence of depraved foreign cultures."

                Under the Pol Pot regime, people to be killed were executed with a
           bullet to the head at first; however, it was later decided that this was a
           waste of bullets and more barbaric methods were employed.

                The Khmer Rouge regime finally came to an end when the Viet-
           namese launched the invasion of Cambodia in 1979. In order to expose
           the savagery of the previous regime, the Vietnamese  dug up the rice
           paddies, known as the "killing fields," produced the bodies and put
           them on display.

                North Korea

                The Red barbarism in Asia
           was by no means limited to

          The Communist Khmer Rouge num-
          bered some of the people they execut-
          ed and took pictures of them. These
          photographs are of Cambodians taken
          before their execution.
          Thousands of mass graves have been
          found in the "killing fields" of the
          Khmer Rouge. The bones to the side are
          those of Cambodians suffocated to
          death by having plastic bags placed
          over their heads. Cambodia experienced
          the very worst of communist barbarity.

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