Page 65 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 65

China. People who opposed

          these policies were punished
          by forced starvation. The death
          rate from famine in some vil-
          lages exceeded 50%. The num-
          ber of people dying from starva-
          tion in that period is estimated at
          around 40 million.

              The Dalai Lama, who direct-
          ed the Tibetan resistance to
          China for many years, described

          the savagery inflicted on his
          people by Chinese communism
          as follows:

              "Tibetans not only
              were shot, but also
              were beaten to death,
              crucified, burned alive,
              drowned,      mutilated,
              starved,       strangled,

              hanged, boiled alive,
              buried alive, drawn and
              quartered, and behead-
              ed."  13

              The Uighur Turks were sub-
          jected to  systematic genocide
          after Mao came to power in 1949.
                                                Political executions were one of the
          China  carried out nuclear tests      extraordinary measures implemented by
                                                the Red Chinese regime. Many people
          in the Uighur Autonomous
                                                were executed in plain view on the
                                                grounds of "deviating from Mao's path."

                           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                                63
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