Page 61 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 61
The Soviet Union
In the Soviet Union,
the Communist Party
that grew under Lenin's
leadership carried out a
revolution using the
method of armed strug-
gle and propaganda. In
Lenin's time, both units
of the Red Army and the
secret police organiza-
tion set up by him,
known as the "Cheka,"
inflicted terror on all
parts of society they
The Bolshevik revolutionaries shown posing with their
regarded as being weapons in St. Petersburg in November 1917 were all
symbols of Lenin's ghastly and vile reign of terror.
Militants even devel-
oped special forms of savagery against the people.
Bolshevik militants, the Cheka secret police and units of the Red
Army raided villages all over Russia and began rounding up the har-
vests of the peasants, who were already living under very difficult
conditions, at gunpoint. The result of this policy was terrible famine
in the country.
Six million people starved to death because of a famine caused by
Stalin, with hundreds of thousands of children falling victim to the dis-
Those resisting collectivization were shot, and others were sent
into exile with their wives and children and the elderly. Many of these
people were unable to bear the harsh conditions in exile and died.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 59