Page 63 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 63

The killing of approximately
           690,000 people in the Great Purge of 1937-

                  The death of 6 million Ukraini-
           ans as a result of deliberate famine in
           1932-1933; (the famine, known as the
           Holodomor, was not the result of insuffi-
           cient crops being produced in the Soviet
           Union,  but rather of the Communist
           Party refusing to allow crops to be hand-

           ed out. In other words, this was a delib-
           erate mass slaughter.)

                  The exiling of hundreds of thou-
           sands of Poles, Ukrainians, people from
           the Baltic states, Moldavians and
           Bessarabians, first in 1939-1941 and then
           again in 1944-1945;

                  The exiling of the Volga Germans
           in 1941;

                  The sending into exile of the
           Crimean Tartars in 1944 and their being
           abandoned to die;

                  The exiling and abandonment to
           die of the Ingushetians in 1944.

                  European countries such as
           Poland,    Hungary,      Czechoslovakia,
           Romania, Albania and East Germany
           falling under the control of Stalin's
           bloody regime in the Soviet period.

                           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                                61
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