Page 60 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 60

What Kınd of Communıst

              Barbarıty Took Place ın

                      the 20th Century?

                 Communist savagery began with the Bolshevik Revolution in Rus-
            sia in 1917. After the consolidation of the newly established Soviet

            Union, it spread to Eastern Europe, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia,
            Latin American countries, Cuba and Africa.
                 More than 350 million people lost their lives, directly or indi-

            rectly, during or after the two World Wars of the 20th century. One
            hundred twenty million of these were civilians. The communist sav-
            agery that took place in countries may be summarized as follows:

             As a result of his devotion to Darwinism, Lenin regarded human
             beings as simply a species of animal. He therefore had no qualms
             about using the most repressive ways of dealing with the people
             under his rule and spreading his terror-based ideas.

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