Page 69 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 69


                The communist Khmer Rouge came to power in April 1975 under
           the leadership of a fanatical Maoist called Pol Pot (his real name was
           Saloth Sar) and emptied out all towns and cities.

                The Khmer Rouge regime is regarded as  the apex of communist

                One of the worst mass slaughters in the world took place under
           Pol Pot's regime. Between 1975 and 1979 alone, some 3.3 million people
           out of a total population of 9 million were killed by being shot in the

           head, suffocated by having plastic bags put over their heads, pickaxe
           blows to the head or starvation.
                Under Pol Pot's rule, the party decided that for the sake of the coun-

           try, the only duty of a communist was to work to death in the rice pad-
           dies, and it duly forced the entire population of Cambodia to work in the
           rice paddies. Tens of thousands of city-dwellers – politicians, civil ser-
           vants, teachers and intellectuals – were
           exiled to the countryside and forced to
           labor on collective farms under terribly
           harsh conditions.

                Shirking, eating even a tiny piece
           of produce without permission or per-
           forming any religious observance were
           regarded as "counter-revolutionary

           activities," and under that pretext,
           killing at the level of almost one person
           a minute was initiated. At least one
           member of every family lost their lives
           during this slaughter.

                People who spoke more than one               Pol Pot, the ruthless Khmer
           language, those who were doctors or               Rouge leader and murderer of
                                                             3 million Cambodians

                           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                                67
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