Page 103 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 103
A. H. Brush, a Connecticut
University pro fes sor of phys i ol o gy
and neu ro bi ol o gy, de scribed the
pro found dif fer en ces be tween rep -
tile scales and bird feath ers:
A Mesozoic Era fos sil fish.
Every fea ture from gene struc ture The fos sil record shows that, like fish, all
and or gan i za tion, to de vel op ment, oth er liv ing class es al so ap peared sud -
den ly and with their dif fer ent struc tures
mor pho gen e sis and tis sue or gan i za -
com plete and ful ly formed.
tion is dif fer ent [in feath ers and scales.
. . the pro tein struc ture of bird feath ers
and are unique among ver te brates . . .
Feathers ap pear sud den ly in the fos sil Evolutionists main tain that in -
record. . . . 96 ver te brate ma rine crea tures that
This su pe ri or cre a tion in feath ers arose dur ing the Cambrian Period
gave Charles Darwin con sid er a ble de vel oped in to fish over the course
pause for thought. The mag nif i cent of tens of mil lions of years.
beau ty in pea cock feath ers ac tu al ly However, in the same way that
made him "cold all over," as he put Cambrian Period in ver te brates had
it. In a let ter to his friend Asa Gray no an ces tors nei ther are there any in -
dat ed 3 April, 1860, he wrote: ter me di ate form to in di cate any ev o -
lu tion be tween these same in ver te -
. . . I re mem ber well the time when the
thought of the eye made me cold all brates and fish. (See The Cambrian
over. 97 Period.) Yet the very con sid er a ble