Page 98 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 98

96  Origin of the Birds

                                                   vanced  en gi neer ing  cal cu la tions,
                                                   across a riv er in or der to stop the
                                                   flow of wa ter. It pos sess es the abil i ty
                                                   to do this from the mo ment of its
                                                     Evolutionists some times claim
                                                   that an i mals ac quire some forms of
                                                   be hav ior  through  ex pe ri ence,  and
                A but ter fly that re sem bles a dry leaf  the most ef fect ive be hav iors be come
                                                   "fixed" by way of nat u ral se lec tion.
               went  ap pro pri ate  chan ges  dur ing
                                                   These ef fect ive forms of be hav ior are
               ad ap ta tion to var i ous en vi ron men tal
                                                   sub se quent ly passed on to lat er gen -
               con di tions.
                                                   er a tions through ge net ic in her it ance.
                  However, noth ing about be hav -
                                                     However, liv ing things can not
               ior squares with an ev o lu tion a ry sce -
                                                   sur vive in the ab sence of these in -
               nar io. Because liv ing things lack the
                                                   stinc tive forms of be hav ior. And
               rea son ing abil i ties to learn by tri al
                                                   there fore, they have no time in
               and er ror, and then record these les -
                                                   which to learn them. A liv ing thing
               sons as "in stinct" in the genes, and
                                                   has to pos sess this be hav ior from the
               trans mit them to sub se quent gen er a -
                                                   mo ment it is born. The idea that such
               tions. Right from birth, they pos sess
                                                   be hav ior can "evolve" is there fore in -
               such in nate forms of be hav ior as de -
                                                   con sist ent right from the start, be -
               fend ing them selves and nest -build -
                                                   cause ev o lu tion ist hy poth e ses al low
                                                   for no con scious ness to make any
                  Allah cre ates all liv ing things
                                                   such se lec tion. Living things are
               with their own unique at trib utes and
                                                   born pos sess ing of var i ous char ac -
               forms of be hav ior. It is im pos si ble,
                                                   ter is tics and in stinc tive forms of be -
               for in stance, for a but ter fly to de cide
                                                   hav ior that al low them to sur vive.
               to as sume the ap pear ance of a dead
               leaf in or der to cam ou flage it self and
               in crease its chan ces of sur viv al, and
                                                   ORIGIN OF THE BIRDS
               then re fine the chan ges in its wings
                                                     The  the o ry  of  ev o lu tion  main -
               with that goal in mind. There can be
                                                   tains that birds de scend ed from
               no ques tion of a bea ver learn ing to
                                                   small,  car niv o rous  ther o pod  di no -
               build a dam, re quir ing high ly ad -
                                                   saurs—in oth er words, from rep tiles.
                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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