Page 93 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 93

Origin of the Bacteria   91

           mat ter could have pro duced bac te -  ing down the ab sorbed nu tri ents.
           ria.                                  Like all liv ing cells, bac te ria con -
              Until re cent ly, many sci en tists re -  tain DNA that con trols the growth,
           gard ed bac te ria as a sim ple life form.  re pro duc tion and oth er ac tiv i ties. In
           But de tailed re search has shown that  bac te ria, DNA moves free ly in the
           they are quite com plex, even though  cell's cy to plasm. Apart from cells
           they are minute, sin gle-celled crea -  with out nu clei (called prok ar y o tes),
           tures.                              ev ery cell con tains DNA in its nu cle -
              Nearly all spe cies of bac te ria are  us, sep a rat ed from the cy to plasm by
           sur round ed by a pro tec tive wall that  a mem brane.
           shapes their cells and al lows them to  Within these cells oc cur vi tal bio-
           thrive  in  quite  dif fer ent  en vi ron -  chem i cal  ac tiv i ties  that  en sure  the
           ments. Some spe cies of bac te ria pos -  con tin u a tion  of  life  on  Earth.
           sess a thin lay er which sur rounds  Bacteria per form es sen tial func tions
           the cell wall. Within the cell wall of  in the plan et's ec o log i cal sys tem. For
           all bac te ria, there is an elas tic cell  ex am ple, some bac te ria break down
           mem brane. Tiny nu tri ent mol e cu les  dead plant and an i mal mat ter, con -
           en ter the cell through pores on the  vert ing them in to ba sic "raw" chem i -
           sur face of this mem brane, through  cal com pounds that liv ing or gan -
           which larg er mol e cu les can not pass.   isms can re use. Some bac te ria in -
              Inside the mem brane is a soft,  crease the fer til i ty of the soil. Others
           gel a tin-like  sub stance  called  cy to -  con vert milk in to cheese, pro duce
           plasm, which con tain pro teins called  an ti bi ot ics  for  use  against  oth er
           en zymes. These pro vide the cell with  harm ful bac te ria, and syn the size vi -
           the raw ma te ri als it needs by break -  ta mins.
                                                  These are on ly a few of the count -
                                               less pur pos es that bac te ria serve. A
                        Despite be ing very small
                        and sin gle-celled, bac te -  close look at these bac te ria's ge net ic
                        ria have a very com plex
                                               struc ture shows that they are not
                        struc ture.
                                               sim ple life forms at all.
                                                  Besides all their hun dreds of
                                               char ac ter is tics, bac te ria con tain the
                                               DNA that is ev i dence of cre a tion. In
                                               the ta-x-174, the small est known bac -
                                               te ria, there are 5375 nu cle ot i des—the

           Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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