Page 92 - The Evolution Impasse 2
P. 92

90  Origin of the Bacteria

                Parabronchial tu bes, which en a ble air to cir cu late in the right di rec tion in birds’
                lungs. Each of these tu bes is just 0.5 mm. in di am e ter.

               con scious  mu ta tions,  as  ev o lu tion ORIGIN OF THE BACTERIA
               main tains. Denton states that the
                                                     The old est fos sils are those of 3.5
               avi an  lung's  struc ture  in val i dates
                                                   bil lion year-old bac te ria. From these
                                                   re mains,  ev o lu tion ists  claim  that
                  The avi an lung brings us very close to  life less mat ter pro duced the first sin -
                  an swer ing Darwin's chal lenge: "If it
                                                   gle-celled bac te ri um and claim, fur -
                  could be dem on strat ed that any com -
                                                   ther that the first bac te ria changed
                  plex or gan ex ist ed, which could not
                                                   in to mul ti-celled crea tures over the
                  pos si bly have been formed by nu mer -
                                                   course of time and be came the an -
                  ous, suc ces sive, slight mod i fi ca tions,
                                                   ces tors  of  to day's  high ly  com plex
                  my  the o ry  would  ab so lute ly  break
                                                   plants and an i mals. But with no sci -
                  down."  87
                                                   en tif ic proof for these claims, ev o lu -
                                                   tion ists can not ex plain how life less

                                                               The Evolution Impasse II
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